TPM Poland
5-9 May 2019
Sunday, 5th May 2019
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 19 from Legnica has the honour to host the last meeting in the project Innovate Together. Teachers from Italy, Romania, Cyprus, Portugal, the UK and Croatia arrive in Poland. We are all happy to meet again, proud of everything we've done during the past two years, but also sad because this is our last meeting.
Monday, 6th May 2019
We are very anxious to visit our host school. For teams from Italy and Romania, this is the second time in Legnica - the first was during Comenius project. For teams from Croatia, the UK and Cyprus this is the first time in this interesting place.
On our arrival at school, we are welcomed by Sebastian Miecierz, the headmaster, Beata Witek, the headmistress deputy, Ewa Tyborowska, project coordinator and Tomasz Kolis, an English teacher. They are accompanied by children in traditional costumes. Like in Romania, a traditional way of expressing welcome in Poland is offering guests some bread.
For a start, our hosts take us to the Town Hall, for a meeting with Mayor of Legnica, Mr. Tadeusz Krzakowski. It's an honour to be welcomed this way - it was very interesting to find out about the town's history, education, industry, and other important topics.
After the visit to the Mayor, a coordinators' meeting is held. The topic is the evaluation of the project and planning the final report.
This year we are about to mark an important date for all of us together - Europe Day. We all gather at the school gym. Our hosts have prepared two quizzes: one for teams of Polish students and one for us, the teachers. It is very challenging and fun to check our knowledge about the EU in this way. The hosts have also prepared short presentations about each partner county. The task of every country was to prepare a video of traditional music or dance, for all of us to watch. Indeed, we could not imagine a better way to spend the EU Day!
After lunch we participate in Resin Workshops: through a presentation, we learn about the characteristics of this valuable substance. But that is not all - we also make our own key rings and pieces of jewellery.
The most memorable part of the day is, however, a special concert at the host school - in the same time a welcoming ceremony for the guests, and also a closing ceremony of the 2-year project. The hosts have worked very hard to prepare it: through this programme they have shown how much inspiration this project has brought to all of us.
Arrival at the host school, visit to the Mayor

Marking the EU Day

Resin Workshop

Welcoming programme

Tuesday, 7th May 2019
Today it is time for the second part of the meeting at school. Also, a part of the day is dedicated to Sztubak Walk, a 4 km long walk with Polish students through Legnica. It is not just a walk - each team goes with different class and is assigned to answer some questions about sights they see on their way, as well as to learn some Polish words. It is a chance for us to see an example of carrying out-open air classes on a lake. Students (and this time teachers from 7 countries) do sports, play different games, take part in competitions with prizes. A well organised day - indeed, we were given so many ideas for our school activities.
Sztubak Walk

Wendesday, 8th May 2019
Today it is time for the final part of the meeting at school. We have successfully completed the agenda and it't time for a visit to Wroclaw. A visit to Wroclaw was an occasion to learn about the rich history of this city, known as the EU Capital of Culture in 2016. We especially enjoyed our visit to Hydropolis, a science centre about water, as well as our visit to The White Stork Synagogue, a religious and cultural centre of the local Jewish community.
A visit to Wroclaw

Thursday, 9th May 2019
It is time to say goodbye. We learnt very much about Poland during our stay, but, most of all, we learnt about people's hospitality. Thank you Ewa, Tomasz, Sebastian, Beata, and the whole Polish team for everything you've done to make us feel at home – we did and we can't wait to come to Poland again.
This may be the last time we meet in this project, but definitely it is not the end of our friendship. We will continue to use all the knowledge - everything we learnt in this project, keep in contact and, hopefully, in the future meet in another project!
Photos: Branka Lamza, Zoi Kaouri
In the following part you can see the video of the whole programme, prepared by the Polish hosts, as well as the videos of traditional songs and dances by each guest partner, presented at the joint celebration of Europe Day 2019 in Legnica.
United Kingdom
In the previous part you read the report by the Croatian coordinator. Now, let's find out about the other participants' impressions...
What a wonderful way to end our Project by visiting Poland-Legnica! Three of us went to Legnica (Angela Gordino, Olga Ribeiro and Fernando Faria).
So many good experiences, meeting the Mayor of the city who welcomed us so kindly, the school teachers and students who prepared the lovely activities celebrating Europe Day; the fantastic workshops at school; the visit to Legnica, the lovely day with the students in outdoor activities, and Wroclaw , with the Gnomes and their meaning, the Old Market town and Lovely Historical buildings (Hansel and Gretel's house), the Synagogue and of course Hydroplois!
A huge Thank you to the Polish Staff, Teachers, students, and especially Sebastian the Headmaster, Ewa , Tomas, Beata, and Martina.

Welcome to Legnica! Here we are! Four teachers from Galati, Romania starting our trip to Legnica, Poland. We arrived one day earlier so we had the chance to take a walk nearby and discover all the beauties of this wonderful city. On the first day of the project he had a warm welcoming in Legnica school thanks to Sebastian and Ewa.We had the chance to take part in the concert that the school prepared for Europe`s Day where the students of the school danced, sang and played a lot of games about Europe.
Time spent in Legnica provided further, very valuable experience for us such as Stubaka walk, Amber workshop, the meeting with the Mayor. We also had the opportunity to get to know a bit of the city history by visiting the cathedral and the town center with all its historical buildings. Also the teachers prepared a contest for us where we had to learn some polish words and that was such a great experience.
Everything was perfectly organised and we have great memories. All we can say is thank you for this experience and the most important: Kocham Legnica!

Well what a way to end our project with a visit to Poland. We packed a lot into the short time we were in Poland and had a great experience. It was lovely to spend the day with the Polish students, learning 10 Polish words and phrases which we can still remember - we had good teachers! Then we got the chance to relax and play games by the beach with Polish staff and students. We were made to feel very welcome and were treated like VIPs! It was sad to say goodbye at the end of the trip, but we go away knowing we have made friends and partnerships for life! Thank you so much to Ewa and all of her colleagues for such a special trip!

Three teachers from Cyprus took part in our last meeting: Zoi Kaouri, Anna Panteli Hatzileonida and Irini Achileos. The feelings in this meeting were mixed. On one hand, we were glad to see our colleagues and friends with whom we worked together for two years, on the other hand we felt sad that this was our last meeting.
The trip to Poland was very beautiful and full of unique experiences. We visited the mayor of Legnica, we all celebrated Europe Day, we did workshops, we met the city of Legnica and Wroclaw. The reception celebration was incredible. The school children presented us their talents in a unique way and gave us incredible joy.
The hospitality of our Polish colleagues was amazing and we thank them all for the unforgettable experiences we have had.

During this last project meeting we were warmly welcomed by teachers, pupils and families.
Many activities have been prepared by Polish students for the day of Europe: songs, dances, performances that have thrilled everyone.
On this occasion the other European partners showed a video with a typical dance from their country. Italy produced the "tarantella", a popular dance of the South.
Another engaging activity was a quiz, always about Europe, with Polish boys and foreign teachers.
Then we met the Mayor of Legnica in the Town Hall. He explained the history and culture of the city to us.
The visit to the city of Wroclaw was very interesting.It is a city on the Oder River, known for the Market Square, flanked by elegant residences and characterized by a modern fountain. its large astronomical clock.
The symbol of Wroclaw is the gnomes, who had a recent political significance in the past. Today it is possible to find curious little statues around the city that represent gnomes engaged in different activities: butcher, fireman, guardian. It seems that there are more than 350 in the city.
We also visited The White Stork Synagogue and Hydropolis, a water centre. Another activity, held by Polish professors, has aroused much curiosity: the laboratory with the resin where each partner was able to produce an artifact to take with him.
Thanks to all the Polish staff, Ewa, Beata, Sebastian the headmaster, Martina, Tomasz and all the others. We left with so many new experiences and with a veil of melancholy.