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Europe Day, 9th May 2018

in Poland

Europe Day in Cyprus

Europe Day in Romania

Europe day- third grade, School no.1 Independenta, teacher Antoneta Antigona Ene.

Europe Day, 6th grade, teacher Gorea Diana Mirela.

EU day in Romania by 7th graders

9th of May, Europe day-third grade, School no.2, Independenta, teacher Ana-Maria Stegaru.

Europe Day in Italy

The school celebrated Europe's day by creating a special pedal car and taking part to a town competition within the Erasmus + project "Ride to learn in Europe".

Europe Day in Croatia

Europe Day in Croatia: How much do you know about our Erasmus+ partner countries? Kahoot quiz by teachers Ivanka Novak and Branka Lamza.

For more details about our activities, visit our Twinspace I

and Twinspace II


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and communication herein reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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