November 2017
Numeracy Week in Croatia
8th graders
Bottle Flip Challenge Final, Kahoot Quiz
Young Learners
Numeracy Week in Cyprus

NUMERACY WEEK - 9th Primary School Limassol: 1st Day
Co-teaching of multiplication up to twenty in B’2 and B’3 class and also Learning mathematics with drawings, cartoons and games, this workshop was held in C’ class by Dr Sotos Voscaridis, professor of Cyprus Technological University..

2nd Day, Learning Geometry and Addition with Bee Bot, Blue Bot and Mouse Bot.

3rd Day, Parents and Children learning together: Learning mathematics through playing. The program was implemented in B’1 and A’1 class.

4th Day, Creating Board Mathematical Games from all school classes.

Video about Numeracy Week 2017 created by the Cyprus Team
Numeracy Week in Poland

Numeracy Week in Italy

Numeracy Week in Romania
Teacher: Costin Elena. During the “numeracy week” that was organized at the School No. 1, Independenta, Romania, the first grade pupils took part in plenty of both educational and fun activities. Not only did they seek for qualities that make people good friends, but they also learned to associate numbers and school activities with the real life. For instance, they identified various easy tasks and showed their interest in reading simple picture-supported texts which were provided as rules for fun boarding games. They also used these boards in order to read and count from 0 to 100. Moreover, when playing “Do you mind brother”, “The Pirates' Treasure” or “On Santa Claus` Land” , the pupils fulfilled games tasks which included the need to orient on the game board according to the following clue phrases: in, on, over, under, near, in front, behind, left, right, horizontal, vertical, oblique, interior, exterior. Next, the children performed addition, subtraction and ordering exercises in the number range of 0-30 by frequently using counting. Furthermore, they also made use of accessible and flexible work materials and techniques in order to manufacture little childish imagination – based pieces of art.

Teacher Marian Ochianu. Some interactive games in the lesson of physical education...

Teacher Cristina Elena Anghel. School No. 1, Independenta. During the computer science lessons, pupils in the first-fourth grades have palyed computer games, in which they made various calculations. The sixth-grade students participated in group activity, in which they acquired knowledge about decimal and binary numeracy systems.

Teacher Ene Antigona. Numeracy week-Third grade-School no. 1 Independenta.
Contest " Wheel multiplication". Practical activity "At the greengrocer's" in which we used measurement units, monetary units and rules of civilized behavoir in a shop.

Preparatory class, School no.1, Independenta, Romania. We had so much fun playing with numbers in many ways.

Teacher Ana-Maria Stegaru. Numeracy days-third grade, School no.2, Independenta.
We played with numbers and learned to integrate them into other areas of activity- literature, math, arts. We liked it a lot!

For more details about our activities, visit our Twinspace I
and Twinspace II
Numeracy Week in Portugal

November 2018
Video about Numeracy Week 2018 created by the Cyprus Team
For more details about our activities, visit our Twinspace I
and Twinspace II
All our games are available in our Collection of Numeracy Activities