TPM Italy
20-24 May 2018
Sunday, 20th May 2018: Partners arriving in Italy
It's time for our fourth meeting - after the initial meeting in Croatia and two LTTAs in Portugal and the UK, it's time for the coordinators and other team members to gather once again and look back at all the activities done so far, as well as to make plans for the following year. This time the host is Instituto Comprensivo Faenza ˝San Rocco˝.
Monday, 21st May 2018: Welcome to Instituto Comprensivo Faenza San Rocco!
All the participants of the TPM gather at school for the welcoming speech by the headmistress Mrs Tronconi and the head of the local Department for Education. The hosts take the guests for a tour around school, to make them familiar with all the activities done there. It's extremely inspiring to observe exhibition of students' work: educational posters, drawings, paintings, crafts... The guests are even welcome to visit some classes, e.g. the Music class where they get to hear an excellent performance by the choir of Instituto San Rocco, conducted by their teacher. Another remarkable moment is the show by Flag Wavers in their medieval uniforms, presenting an important part of Faenza's tradition. The afternoon is dedicated to the first part of the meeting.

TPM Italy
Tuesday, 22nd May 2018: Visit to the International Museum of Ceramic in Faenza; Medieval evening
After the activities at school, it's time for a visit to the town centre and the International Museum of Ceramics. This exceptional museum was founded in 1908 and now it preserves more than 60.000 ceramics, from antiquity to nowadays. This is an occasion to find out why Faenza is considered the home of ceramics.
Faenza also boasts landmarks of medieval culture, which was incentive for the hosts to prepare a medieval dinner, which we all enjoy very much.
Wednesday, 23rd May 2018: Visit to Bologna
The arrangemens for the following school year have been done and the dates for the forthcoming meetings set. The afternoon is dedicated to the cultural visit to Bologna. There are so many beautiful and historically valuable sights: Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca, Bologna Cathedral, San Petronio Basilica and other. A beautiful city!
Thursday, 24th May 2018: Farewell
Goodbye Italy! Instituto Comprensivo Faenza San Rocco, thank you for everything!
Our next meetings are:
- LTTA Romania 14th-20th October 2018
- LTTA Cyprus 3rd-9th March 2019
- TPM Poland 5th-9th May 2019
Photos: Branka Lamza, Zoi Kaouri, Margarida Caldeira
Participants' impressions
In the previous part you read the report by the Croatian coordinator. Now, let's find out about the other participants' impressions...
Three teachers (Zoi Kaouri, the coordinator, Stalo Theodoridou Lambrou, the headteacher Anna Panteli Chatzileonida), of our school participated in the TPM meeting in Faenza. It was an excellent and beautiful meeting. We had the opportunity to see the creative work of the teachers and students through the various projects that gorgeously embellished every corner of the school. We were impressed by the demonstration of the students with the flags, we loved the dancing class and the cooking and we enjoyed the medieval dinner. The tour of Bologna was wonderful. The attitude and the warmth of the Italian colleagues was unique. Thank you Italian team.

Four teachers of our school participated in the meeting in Faenza. We had the opportunity to learn about the functioning of the school, lessons taught by Italian teachers, extra-curricular activities. Our attention was drawn to beautiful exhibitions of children's works made with various techniques. The atmosphere of the meeting was extremely nice and cordial. Thank you Tina and her colleagues for showing the school, Faenza and the "piece" of Italian land.
Four Teachers went to Italy-Faenza (Angela Gordino, the Coordinator, Margarida Carvalho, Margarida Caldeira and Goret Domingues). Everyone just loved the warming welcome and activities prepared for all partners. The school showed us how important it is to disseminate and show others what lovely and fantastic projects they can do.All the activities (tour to the school, welcoming by the headmistress, wavering of flags, singing class, dancing class, cooking, cultural and historical visit to The Art Museum, Faenza and Bologne, the medieval dinner) were extraordinary. We thank the Italian Team for the wonderful experience and stay in Italy.

What a great way to end our first year of the project together, with our TPM in Italy. The weather, food and company were great and we made lots of progress reviewing the activities that have taken place and the areas we need to continue to develop in the second year of our project. Once again we received a fantastic welcome from staff and children and it was lovely to spend time observing the children at work. As is always the case there was time for us to explore the wonderful local area, but achieve the objectives set out at the beginning of the meeting. Thank you to Tina and her colleagues for a wonderful few days.
Four Romanian teachers participated to the second transnational meeting in Istituto Comprehensivo San Rocco, Faenza, Italy. Again, it was a very positive meeting, as were Čakovec, Loureiro, Houghton le-Spring. I think that we have made good progress with the project and we really enjoyed the first year activities of the project. We succeeded to mix ”business with pleasure”, we worked within our first year activities evaluation but we enjoyed also the cultural visit in Faenza and Bologna, the evenings all together. Our special thanks go to Tina, the one who has a big heart and lots of positive energy. I think that we will always keep in mind our visit to Faenza. Mihaela Mihailescu