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Project presentation and dissemination
October 2017
Visit our Twinspace I
and Twinspace II
To keep up-to-date with the project news in Croatian, click HERE
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For Facebook non-members - click here to catch up with our group. about the TPM in Croatia

TPM in Croatia in the Portuguese media

Our TPM in the news on local TV in Croatia
November 2017
December 2017
January 2018
The International Holocaust Memorial Day
on the school website in Cyprus
February 2018
eMeđimurje about traditional Croatian games at
II. osnovna škola Čakovec
March 2018
Meeting in Portugal (LTTA) in the Portuguese media

International presentation at II.OŠ Čakovec, Croatia
On Thursday, 22 March 2018, we hosted a school from the neighbouring County of Koprivnica-Križevci and their Erasmus+ guests from Italy, Poland and Spain. We presented them our Erasmus+ project and found out about theirs. You can read about it on their Erasmus+ project website too.

April 2018
Dissemination of LTTA in Portugal at II. OŠ Čakovec, Croatia
During the spring break, from 3 to 6 April 2018, teachers Dalija Sklepić Capan, Branka Lamza and Snježana Odak Hrkač, held workshops for other teachers, presenting what they learnt during the LTTA in Portugal.
A workshop on Quiver 3D Augmented Reality and Anatomy 4D.

A workshop on Socrative quizzes, Kizoa slideshows and Emaze presentations with 3D effects.

Teachers from II.OŠ Čakovec learning about a Web 2.0 tool Plickers, used to create quizzes.

May 2018
Međimurje newspaper about our meeting in the UK about our LTTA in the UK

June 2018
Our project on the cover of the school magazine in Croatia
October 2018
Our same named eTwinning project, presenting activities of the first year of our Erasmus+ project, has been awarded with national Quality Labels and European Quality Labels!

LTTA meeting in Romania on the school website in Poland
November 2018
December 2018
January 2019
February 2019
Presentation of our project in Portugal - article on
a special school project website
March 2019
Our LTTA meeting in Cyprus in the Italian media about the LTTA Cyprus

Presenting the project to the County Council of Primary School Teachers of the County of Međimurje, Croatia

Branka Lamza, presenting the project to
the School Teacher Council at II. osnovna škola Čakovec, Croatia
26th March 2019

May 2019
Our TPM in Poland on the school website of the host school;
Video of the programme for teachers, pupils, parents and the local community in Legnica
Presenting the project on an international symposium organised by the County Teacher Staff Asociation in Galati, Romania

The project has been presented at the County Meeting of Teachers of English in Varaždin, Croatia.
August 2019
How to teach disability etiquette in eTwinning Newsletter (page 107), an article about marking one of the important dates in our project - International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
September 2019
Presenting the project at a County Meeting of Teachers of English of Međimurje at 3rd Primary School Čakovec - an overview of all activities at school and all the mobilities, including a workshop on Stop Motion Studio, an application we learnt about during our LTTA in Romania. You can see teachers from Čakovec creating their stop motion films.

Celebrating European Day of Languages in the town centre of Čakovec, Croatia, hosted by Secondary School Čakovec. We exchanged gifts with our hosts - T-shirts with our project Innovate Together and EDL logo.

September/October 2019
Our animated film Spavač (Sleeper), featuring the legend of Pozoj, a creature believed to be sleeping under the Old Town of Čakovec, has entered the official competition of Dubrovnik international film festival! The film was created by students of II. osnovna škola Čakovec, mentored by the teacher, our colleague Monika VVuk, as a part of our project, Collection of Literacy Activities, Traditions and Legends .

Our animated film Spavač (Sleeper), a part of our project, Collection of Literacy Activities, Traditions and Legends, has also been invited to enter the competition of Maribor International Enimation Festival.

Dissemination 2017-2019 in the UK
Dissemination materials 2017-2019

Our project results are accessible on the Croatian educational platform Edutorij
eTwinning Quality Labels 2019:
a national Quality Label for the project Making Friends (partners - schools from Croatia and Portugal);
9 European Quality Labels for our projects
Innovate Together and Innovate Together 2,
to Croatia, Cyprus and Italy!

November 2019
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